Try variasikan warna / tekstur / jenis makanan. Warna tu biarlah yg dari tumbuhan. Contoh hijau from broccoli orange from carrot red from tomato or purple from beetroot etc. tekstur pulak can be like nasi bubur, sup, waffle, etc. jenis tu variasi kan jangan same menu je. Kalau hari ni nasi then esok waffle or roti or biskut or bubur or sup.
Let them eat by themself. Biarlah comot or bersepah. Can lapik lantai with plastik or tikar. Baju pun boleh guna pelapik. Let them eat with their own hands. Kalau nak suap, try buat bunyi or pergerakkan macam bunyi vrooom2 bunyi kereta api ke n buat pergerakan makanan menuju ke mulut. Then make it fun. Appreciate anak makan or kunyah