Asking on behalf : My little boy is coming up for 11 months old and has a really short tongue which I understand is called tongue tie. He babbles a lot and can say, ‘da-da’ but I'm worrying this is going to affect his speech. Is this true, and if so is there anything I can do to help him?

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Hi, does his tounge looks like heart shaped when stick out? If yes, most likely is toungue tie. There are two types, one is called toungue tie and the other one is called lip tie. For me, I bring my kid to polyclinic and get referral letter to be referred to NUH for a detailed check whether any surgical is needed to correct the tounge tie. The doctor commented that since my boy's speech is very clear and pronounce well, there is no need to have any intervention for now. Thus, we will wait till he grows older and make decision again.

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This little-understood condition affects thousands of children and adults.There can be many consequences of untreated Tongue Tie, therefore i suggest you pls check with your pediatrician and take further action.

It's hard to tell if that'll affect his speech in the years to come. But it's safe to consult a speech therapist for an reliable assessment.