in laws.

Anyone of you here that do not have a close relationship with in laws? No matter how hard you try to be nice to them, be positive with them, it will always turn out the other way round? They took my toddler ystd to sleepover at their place and they brought her out until late at night 1am which I have never done before bcs my toddler has a routine for her bed time etc so going oit until that late is never for her. My husband called them not once but alot of times and they didnt pick up. Their last seen on whatsapp was recently right after he called them. I know them so well that when they are out anywhere, going back home early is so not them even with small children. I wont say I hate but I never really liked them from the start even bfre we got married.

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Get ur hubby talk to them. Tell ur hubby sleep late is very bad for kids.. show him some research...

Don't bring your kid to in law place. Leave their place by 8pm. That's what I will do in future.

Thành viên VIP

I'll not let them take my kids out ever again if they can't respect the bedtime of my kids

Thành viên VIP

I think it will be best to get your hubby to talk to them personally

Super Mom

