share your first baby movement
can anyone share how was ur first baby movement..i already in my 20weeks..but still dont know how it feels when ur baby is moving..

hi sis. Glad to feel the flutter on my 18 weeks. Feels like bubble at the either right or left side. I do could differentiate between bloating and flutter. If you lay down then relax, talk to your baby. Then observe the flutter. Once you can feel, I guarantee you it will be your greatest addiction to watch your little one 😘😘😘 #currently19weeks
Đọc thêmSya dpt rsa prgrkn my baby since my prgnncy msk 21weeks... But kdg2 je...N skrg bila sya minum air sjk or mkn pndai pla dia tndg haha..That feeling is so sweet to feel our baby movements... Best feeling ever...But when my hubby touch my tummy he didnt do any movemnts haha...
i feel the movement lately. im in 19weeks now. mula2 ingat heartbeat or something goes wrong with the baby. rupa2 baby tgh active sekarang 😍... doakan yang terbaik ye mommies
tp not sure tu bby movement ke taa..area lower abdomen biasanya jarang2..hihi kena tggu 2 3 minggu lg na rasa bby betul2 aktif
it feels like a heartbeat to me. and it happen on my lower abdomen.i felt it on my 17weeks but it happen only once in a while. now im in my 21 weeks and my baby is very2 active
😍😍😍😍 cant wait..i think i feel it too..but only once in a while..hihi
saya da rasa strt 20 weeks..., kejap tendang sebelah kiri, kejap sebelah kanan.. plg kuat gerak waktu malam n bila saya mkn coklet..hehehe...
Sama la dengan sy.. bila waktu malam nak tidur dia lagi aktif..
its kinda bubble popping in your tummy. Or something tickeling ur tummy. hihi..😊😊
yaa yaa kan sis.. geli dan tekejut semua ada.. and masa first rasa tu, awal pagi mcm tu. tp after a few days, baby active ptg sampai malam mcm tu.. blup blup tu yang ceriakan hari saya.. Syukur... 😘😘😘
Anak pertama rasa masa 5 bulan. Anak kedua rasa masa baru nak masuk 4 bulan.
@ 19 weeks like a bubble pop while i was laying down..
19 weeks rasa mcm ada benda jentik dr dalam perut
Sy genap 20w rse dia gerak
Sexy mommy....