Hi! Anyone send your children to MOE Kindergarten? Just the kindergarten programme at first and in future is it possible to put in the KCare as well?

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My girl is from moe kindergarten @west spring. She is currently k2, so far she loves the school so much and we like their programme too. But, if you are looking for really 'academic' kindergarten, this may not be your choice. This kindergarten does not have spelling, less writing, no standard math addition/subtraction. But, this kindergarten really boost up their learning interest. no spelling but help them to think how to write the words they want phonologically, so far my girl loves writing, they even got penpal at school. No math addition but strong foundation on number breakdown. They do group projects, team work is their everyday training. They read a lot, play a lot, they do drama, music, motor skill training, traditional games, pretend play, etc.

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It looks really good. This video is pretty comprehensive about what the school offers. https://www.facebook.com/moesingapore/videos/10154614824657004/ The only downside is moe kintergarten just 4hours