Hello, this is out of context but in Oct 2020 I was under subsidised and had an emergency c-sect. Post-pregnancy I developed preeclampsia and had to stay for 6 days in total. Sun night admitted, Fri evening discharged. My total bill size was $11k plus in B2 ward but thank god for my hospital insurance and Medisave, I didn’t pay anything at all. So you may want to consider about complications and its costs on top of being a private patient. I’m a Singaporean btw.
Stayed 5D4N Admission for normal delivery but end up emergency c-sect under private/class A. Total hospital bill $12k+, deposit paid cash for $2.8k, final bill another cash $3.1k. Baby's bill deposit $200+, final bill $400+ cause stayed 1 night at special ward.
Thank you!
You can go to the admission centre at level one and enquire about billing cost! The staff will tell you how much it costs and medisave etc.
11k , stayed A class. 3D2N
Hi thanks for the info! Are u a Singaporean? If yes after deducting medisave, how much balance do u have to pay?