Ferility Test and IVf

Anyone has gone thru Fetility Test or IVF. Can share the cost and procedure and which clinic. thanks in advance

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R u on budget or average? Limited leave? Go polyclinic get referral to hospital for Fertility test will save u alot sum. For ivf trt subsidy class no subsidy oso same price n co-funding Park aside 4k to 6k cash for ur trt on ivf injection n medication scan n blood test. Procedure fee will b mainly on cpf deduction Ivf injection fee can b claimable but not 100% In all process done by structure hospital

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Thành viên VIP

fertility test total cos about 1k-2k include consultation all by cash. Once u start IVf program as recommended by dr, all the cost will under IVF package which u can use medisave and co-funding to cover. i did my IVF package, after - all medisave and co-funding, i didnt pay any money for it, but subsequent visit and blood test is a pinch which u have to pay by cash

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5y trước

btw, i done in NUH

TMC has a fertility test for couples at $450. http://thomsonfertility.com.sg/en/content.aspx?cid=42

Thành viên VIP

Check our raffles hospital fertility centre

6y trước

any idea how much

I recommend Dr LC Foong