Cramps at week 37 especially throughout the night

Anyone experienced bad cramps at week 37? Mine happens mostly at night and I couldn't sleep at all due to the bad cramps. Its a combination of tightening of the tummy and lasted for an hour plus. I could manage to only sleep for an hour before awaken by cramps again and couldn't go back to sleep as the cramps is there for another hour or so. Also, it accompanied with tummyache which I went (not constipation and not diarrhea). No bleeding, water bag didn't burst. Last week went to gynae and was told that I am not dilated yet.

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so what's the outcome for days after ur post? i've been having the same cramps and tightening but also mine accompanies with diarrhea, soft stools. and i'm currently 35 weeks only.

10mo trước

hello! my baby is now 6mo already haha. all is good. seems like its normal to have cramps and tightening on and off.. as long as no bleeding etc..

Same, it happened to me also this morning. I went to kkh women’s emergency but doctor said not dilated yet.