fibroid during pregnancy

Anyone experience fibroid during pregnancy?

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Fibroids in pregnancy are common. The effects of fibroid on pregnancy are depending on its size and location in the uterus. A small fibroid which its size less than 5 cm usually has no significant effect on pregnancy. However, if fibroid’s size more than 5 cm and it is located at lower part of the uterus, it might prevent the fetal head to come down into maternal pelvis. This condition could result in non engaged fetal head and Caesarean section is the mode of choice for delivery. Multiple fibroids may cause patients’ uterus will be larger than pregnancy gestation. Patients may experience abdominal discomfort, difficulty in breathing and movement especially during their third trimester. It is also associated with pre-term labour. The patients are also at risk of post partum haemorrhage (excessive blood loss after delivery) because the uterus might fail to contract properly after delivery. Patients with fibroid in pregnancy is encouraged to have follow up regularly and to monitor the size of the fibroid by serial ultrasound scans. The patients should report to their doctor about any symptoms during pregnancy especially symptoms of labour. Patients are not encouraged to have home delivery and they should be in the hospital once they have symptoms of labour. By Dr Zaharuddin Bin Rahmat @ Mohd Rawi (Consultant O&G)

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Skrg nie sy br 7 weeks 5 day pregnant.. Doktor ada scan.. Sy ada fibroid 7cm area rahim.. Ada yg pernah mempunyi fibroid ker... Bole share info utk mengatasi nya..

5y trước

G jumpa pakar kt private pn ade 5cm n 3cm skrg every weeks amek injection kuatkan rahim n pil kuatkan rahim..semoga dipermudahkan sis 💖

Me...fibroid awk kt bhgian mne?

6y trước

Luar uterus....