Anyone else has a Monster who destroys their own toys? My little Monster is 1 and just destroyed her toy piano!

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kids all go through this stage so i never buy expensive toys my budget is $20. either 2nd hand/pre loved or new(as gift) n i buy down. this way i dont feel so heartache. cos once i bought a new bottle for my 2yrs he destoyed instantly by throwing on the floor to the extend the cover spoiled and no way to repair. he also threw a toy i bought as his birthday present n it spoil in less than 3days so i gave up buying preloved toys at afforable budget

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My son is 2 years old, and born like an explorative engineer. He tries to play each toy he has "normally" for a while, then starts trying to analyse the nuts and bolts before pulling things apart! I hardly buy any toys for him, mostly secondhand ones given by other people - but when I do I make sure it's safe enough for his engineering soul :x

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I feel most of the young children are destroyers.. LOL. But, they all would become caring after we show and guide them.

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Mine too. She loves to explore too much! She loves kitchen stuffs more than her toys!

Oh yes my boy alwaysss destroys his toys , sometimes on the same day i buy him.

yes! my little boy destroys his toys too. i think they are just very rough.

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That happens lol. They'll learn to be more responsible as they get older

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My monster destroys our mobiles .. what to do 😥

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🙈 I hope she didn't put that in her mouth!!