Anyone care to share what is the best age to learn abacus? And any recommendations?

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I only just started my boy at CMA this year which he's in K2. I would actually recommend to start him earlier maybe around K1? Of course the child have to know basic numbers and understand instructions first before you can consider sending him/her to classes else it would be quite waste of money. Anyway just send your child to their trial and see if he/she likes it? My boy loves it since the first day of trial. If you need any referral, kindly let me know. There's a small discount for referral student.

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I recommend that you visit this service for your task. I myself was recently in search of a good service for teaching a child, and my friends advised me to contact this service. They will quickly teach you all the basic concepts and tell you what works and how.

i sent mine when he was 5yo at Superman Abacus AMK outlet. Very glad that he can count 2 digits calculation mentally..

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5y trước

how long to reach that stage ?

I guess it really depends on the child's interests as most abacus class cater for children as young as 3yrs. Arrange for trial class and let the teacher assess ur child. My recommendation is CMA too...

I've read that the best age is around 5 years old. I've heard quite a lot of good reviews of CMA. One of my friends who tried to enroll her 3 years old daughter was advised that she may be too young.

My friend's kid is registered at CMA Abacus and she started at 5. According to the programme list, the Kindy Programme enroll kids as young as 3.

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6yo would be a safe bet before they goes into primary school

3 years old would be good to start with introduction.

I think it's better to start from 5 years.

four-year s