Anyone of you allow your 2 months to sleep with you on the same bed or baby cot??

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My son has been 100% cot. I worry i might crush him, or he might be on the floor the next morning.

Cosleep with my no.1, now I have to slowly let no.1 learn to sleep on his own before no.2 pops!

When my baby was 2 months, she slept in her cot morning and night time slept together my bed

Baby sleep with me till 3 mth plus.. After that I put her to sleep at her baby cot

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#1 Co slp with us on the Queen size bed but #2 slp in baby cot as there is space constraint.

I let my kids sleep with me when they are around 1year and half before that was on baby cot

I co slp with my bb since I am discharged from the hospital till now. she is 10 mths old

my baby sleep with us from fay 1. and it realy helps him for long time sleep

Cot since day 1 but I slept in the room till he was 4 months and slept through

From day 1 both kids were in their room. Now they are older and crash my bed!