Anong mga business ang madaling itayo, especially for stay at home parents?

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For stay at home parents, the easiest would be online business kasi you don't have to go out anymore, no need for physical store, all transactions are done online. Ung type of online business would depend on your passion and target market. Pwedeng baby stuff, clothes, bags, food, make up, etc.

Depende sa hilig niyo, pero I think easiest ang online business na related sa food. Kunwari mahilig ka mag bake, sell the goodies online and agree sa sinabi ni Kirsten na all transactions are done within the confines of your house :)

Promo terbesar expert care sudah dimulai, diskon hingga Rp.100.000 sedang berlangsung di shopee, ada juga voucher diskon 100% alias gratis bagi bunda yang beruntung. Buruan cek di (id-17217)

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7 yrs na akong stay at home mom at the same time, dealer ng loading business, online at offline, madali lang gawin basta may cellphone ka at lagi ka sa facebook

Cakes and pastries I suggest. Pag may order lang gagawin no need to stock up inventory items. Set up ka lang ng FB page ok na.

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Online selling sis. I can offer you my prepacked with FREE TABLE TOP MANNEQUIN and BODY HANGERS. 😁

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Online selling naman po ang pinagkakaabalahan ko.