4 Các câu trả lời

most of the govt hosp dah blh teman sekarang. Even hosp sg buloh yg de byk covid case pun dh bg husband teman tpi dgn syarat swab test and full vaccine. Mcm sy everyweek call straight labour room tanye blh teman or not mne tau if tiba2 ade any changes. So far 3 hosp kerajaan yg sy follow up dgn labour room tde masalah, husband blh teman. If sis nk confirmkn blh straight call labour room and ask them.

Thank you so much for your information. I will ring up the hospital to check 😊

husband boleh teman di labour room. tapi kena swab test dulu. cuma xboleh teman bermalam je dkt ward.and boleh dtg melawat wktu melawat je. husband or mom only. tpi u kena confirm kn dgn hospital u nak bersalin dulu. kalau nak bersalin di swasta. atleast ade checkup 2 or 3 kali checkup dkt swasta tu. u boleh amek bila dh dkt2 date nak bersalin nnti.

Oh yeke. I mmg ada check up di swasta pon. Just tu lah risau x boleh teman. Dgr byk org ckp kerajaan x bg walaupon seblum ni ada ckp kena swab test dulu. Tapi swasta mmg boleh sbb sy dah tanya. Btw thank you so much for ur reply :)

saya pun check up di kk .. dan cadang nak bersalin di swasta .. tapi bila tanya swasta, tak bole walk in atau booking .. kena ada check up dgn hospital swasta tersebut sekurangnya 3x check up ..

Yeah sy ada check up di swasta juga. Tapi final answers i get from gov & private not allow my partner teman sbb unmarried status :( I terlupa letak di msg atas juga..

depends on hospital swasta tu. ada hospital swasta yg dah bg teman during labour.

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