2 Replies

Ahhh mummy, my baby is 4 months and also the exact same situation! Will forever break out of swaddle no matter how tight we wrap him! He’s using velcro swaddle. And even flip in his sleep. Which he end up waking up and cry. They suck on sleeve or finger to self soothe. For me i would give him pacifier when i see him sucking on his finger. Cause when he suck, he cannot really sleep “peacefully”. When its bedtime, i would change diaper, give pacifier, swaddle him tight using velcro swaddle, on white noise.

Ah yes, I’ve heard of them sucking fingers to self soothe. So I tried to let her do so without stopping her but she continued for half an hour. 😩 thought it was disrupting her sleep for too long! Sigh, we are not really keen on the pacifier though. I’ll use that as the last resort! Thanks for your suggestion!

Suck fingers vs suck pacifier. I feel it’s better to suck pacifier as it can be thrown away later to kick the habit whereas you can’t throw the fingers away.

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