hi all.. my 3 yo been able to control absolutely.. out of sudden he will cry and scream and reject whatever i gave him.. always when i bring him home and scream /cries in the bus.. no matter how nice i say he won't stop.. how to tackle? I'm feeling super stress with my on-going divorcing now and i don't know what is giving my son hard time..

There's nothing much you can do but to put up with it for now. This is something that almost every parent will go through. Be thick skinned and be mentally strong, this is only a passing phase. As for taking the bus, I totally understand that it's pretty difficult to handle. If I were you, I would also dread taking the bus. Is it possible for you to take cab or private hire for the time being? Or another method is to let him cry all he wants first, then when he stops, you can take the bus. I learnt from other parents here that this is the best way to handle the terrible 2 or terrible 3 stage - let him cry and vent his anger first, then when he finished and has cooled down, you can talk to him and continue with what you want to do.
Read moreNow they are at their terrible two and horrible three, I also have one, really tired too, sometimes I just have to ignore the stares and let him cry and be firm with him...Don't give in...sometimes have to pre-empt the kids, tell them before hand what will happen and what happen next etc...hopefully as time goes by they will become better
Read moreAt 3 years old they are learning to be assertive and they are at a stage to test boundaries more also as you said you are going through an on going divorce. Kids pick this up as well. They feel the vibes its not just us the adults. I would say to be patient with him and continue trying your best to give him a routine.
Read moreso how should i handle when inside the bus? it doesnt help with all the stare.. making me lose my cool..
when it comes to public tantrums, sometimes you just have to be thick skin about it. I dealt with massive tantrum before. ignore the public eyes. just focus on your child. Afterawhile the tantrum will stop. Stay calm
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