Yes, it is normal for babies to have changes in their feeding and sleeping patterns as they grow. At around 2 months old, babies may start sleeping for longer stretches at night and taking longer naps during the day. This could result in them drinking less milk during each feeding.
It's important to monitor your baby's overall health and behavior to determine if there are any signs of illness. If your baby is still having wet diapers and gaining weight, it is likely that she is getting enough milk, even if she is drinking less frequently.
One thing you can do is to try to encourage your baby to feed more during the times when she is awake. You can also try waking her up for feeds if it has been a few hours since her last meal. Additionally, you can speak to a lactation consultant or your pediatrician for further advice and support.
Remember to trust your instincts as a parent. If you feel that something is not right, it's always best to seek professional help. Otherwise, it's common for babies to have changes in their feeding and sleeping patterns, and it's a part of their healthy development. Stay patient and keep an eye on your baby's well-being. Good luck!
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