2 Replies

VIP Member

Do you pump as well? So you know how much you get ml each boobs. Also could be for foremilk ( watery / clear breast milk compared to white ) you can see difference if you pump. It’s normal as well, my lo will awake 1.5 hrs to 3 hrs. I do mix feed as well. Some babies just want to snack too. They just want mummy boobs. Latch for 5 mins and fall asleep. So I latch and pump the balance to keep in the fridge, so when feeding fm. I will pump every 3 hrs to store inside fridge. Some mummies has Low n over supply milk. So depends on mummy if you can - Drink papaya fish soup - Lactation cookies/brownies/oats/supplements to boosts your supply . - drink milo - red dates / drink alot of water n list on Each mummy found different methods to increase supply.

Ah i see. How long will it takes to see the results? Thank you so much for the detailed explanation!! Really appreciate it. Will try my best to pump every 3 hrs. :)

Drink alot of water. horlick. milo. papaya fisb soup currently i m taking supplyment for breastfeeding and surprisingly i can pump up to 400 ml. i pump 3 time per day

pregnacare ( breastfeeding) .

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