
Processed food

Dinh dưỡng

Fibre, Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein, Phosphorus, Calcium, Vitamin B, Iron, Zinc


Dumplings are usually steamed and contain a mix of fresh veggies and meat. While you are pregnant, you can surely consume dumplings unless a few ingredients are not allowed by your doctor.


After delivery, you can surely eat dumplings but make sure you go easy on the salt. With a fresh, healthy filling, dumplings can help your body recover faster stimulate nutrients absorption, and improve memory.


While breastfeeding you can surely eat dumplings. As long as they have healthy fillings, they can help boost immunity and contribute to general good health. .


Make sure you cook the dumplings well before you feed dumplings to your baby aged 6 months and older. They are rich in many nutrients, depending on the filling that you add. Make sure you do not have any processed ingredients in the filling.