Đồ bổ sung
Chinese Angelica Root ( dang gui )
Đồ bổ sung
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Mang thai
Mums-to-be should avoid eating Chinese angelica root ( dang gui ) or “female ginseng”. It may cause premature birth and its estrogen-like effects can affect your hormone regulation.
Hậu sản
Mums can consume Chinese angelica root in very small doses and with caution a few weeks after giving birth. The medicinal herb may help with hot flashes and migraines, and help relieve constipation.
Cho con bú
If you suffer from headaches, drinking small amounts of Chinese angelica root may provide relief. Mums should regulate how much they consume as there is no sure evidence of its effect on babies when consumed via breastmilk.
Trẻ sơ sinh
Chinese angelica root is unsuitable for babies under the age of 11 months.