Đồ bổ sung
Caterpillar fungus/Dangshen
Đồ bổ sung
Dinh dưỡng
Vitamin E
Mang thai
Mums-to-be, you can eat food prepared with Dangshen in your second trimester. Similar to ginseng, it may improve your blood circulation. Consume with caution though, as too much may cause dizziness.
Hậu sản
Vitamin E in Dangshen can boost your eyesight and immune system. Again, you should restrict how much you eat as side effects can include dizziness and restricted blood clotting.
Cho con bú
Breastfeeding mums can consume dangshen in small quantities, and with caution as a side effect may be dizziness. The herb may help regulate blood sugar levels, and strengthen your immune system.
Trẻ sơ sinh
Dangshen is not suitable for babies under the age of 11 months.