Caramel treats/Saqima


Dinh dưỡng

Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein, Sodium, Cholesterol


As delicious as Sachima is, pregnant ladies should eat with caution. It’s fried and very sweet, and contains a lot of calories which can cause unnecessary weight gain. It is also very hard to digest. Eating too much can lead to pregnancy-induced hypertension and gestational diabetes.


Even though it’s a tasty snack, Sachima isn’t nutritious.It can be hard to digest and can lead to health problems, so it is recommended to only eat in moderation.


When breastfeeding, it’s good to eat food that is packed with nutrients to boost milk quality, rather than overly oily and hard-to-digest foods like Sachima, which will not benefit you or your baby. Try to stay away from Sachima as much as possible.


Sachima is not suitable for babies and children at any age.