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Bubble Tea
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Calories, Carbohydrates, Fiber
While teas are generally considered healthy for pregnant women, bubble tea is not such a healthy alternative due to its high sugar and fat content as well as due to the inclusion of artificial color or flavoring that may be harmful. Therefore, try to minimize the consumption of bubble tea during pregnancy. If you’ve had it occasionally while pregnant, there is no reason to worry as it is likely safe.
You should avoid bubble tea as caffeine has been shown to pass through breast milk and this can interfere with your baby's sleep. Furthermore, it also contains trans-fatty acids which will add burden to the digestive system of the new mothers and slow down the recovery of the new mothers from birth delivery.
It is undesirable for mothers to drink bubble tea during breastfeeding. It will affect blood circulation in new mothers and decrease the breast milk production.
Bubble tea contains caffeine, which can harm the health of a child. Too much caffeine in a child's body can cause agitation, insomnia, cardiovascular difficulties, and tremors.