thịt và thực phẩm giàu đạm

Braised eggs
thịt và thực phẩm giàu đạm
Dinh dưỡng
Mang thai
Braised egg typically contains a lot of salt, which can lead to high blood pressure, swelling and many other issues. It's better to eat fresh eggs and avoid braised ones.
Hậu sản
Braised egg can be eaten by mothers after giving birth, with caution. While it contains protein that is good for recovery, it is high in salt which is generally bad for health.
Cho con bú
Limit eating braised egg, even though it contains some good nutrients. It has very high salt content, which is not good for your health when nursing.
Trẻ sơ sinh
Braised eggs are not suitable for babies under the age of 11 months.