thịt và thực phẩm giàu đạm

Bak Kut Teh
thịt và thực phẩm giàu đạm
Protein, Fat, Sodium
Pregnant mum, it is not advisable to consume bak kut teh whilst you are pregnant. It contains Chinese herbs which can endanger your pregnancy.
New mums who are recovering from childbirth can consume bak kut teh as it is traditionally known for its nourishing properties. It is also usually eaten with rice, yao tiao and vegetables which is a heathful well balanced meal if eaten in moderation.
Breastfeeding mummy, eating bak kut teh may affect your milk supply. Also, your baby may not react well to the Chinese herbs that are used in the cooking. Best to avoid it, or if you want to try, just have a little and monitor your baby's reaction and your milk supply.
Bak kut teh contains Chinese herbs, and your baby may have a reaction to it. It is best to wait for your baby's digestion to be stronger when they are older, more than 1 year old, and to give a small amount first then monitor your baby for any adverse effect.