Đồ bổ sung

American ginseng
Đồ bổ sung
Dinh dưỡng
Saponins, Ginsenosides, Gintonin, Polysaccharide Glycans
Mang thai
Pregnant women should avoid consuming American ginseng. It can cause bleeding, increase the risk of newborn defects, and may lower estrogen production.
Hậu sản
Mothers who just gave birth should avoid American ginseng. It can cause diarrhoea, itching, and changes in blood pressure.
Cho con bú
Breastfeeding mothers should avoid eating American ginseng. American Ginseng is known to be a milk killer, in addition to lowering estrogen production. It can also cause diarrhoea, itching, and changes in blood pressure.
Trẻ sơ sinh
American Ginseng is unsuitable for babies under the age of 11 months.