I’ve been reading up on this and find it difficult putting my baby to crib “drowsy but awake”. Not sure if I’m doing it correctly, but he’s quite alert and agitated after my attempts. My baby is almost 3 months old. Any mummies have tips to share? And for mummies who didn’t sleep train, did baby eventually fall asleep independently? At how old, and any tips to share as well? Thank you in advance! #firstbaby #sleeptraining #sleepdeprived
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I’m planning to sleep train my baby girl from this weekend. She’s 4 months old and still waking up at 2am, and 5am for feed. Usually doesn’t want to go back to sleep after 5am feed. We’re exhausted and sleep deprived with occasional headaches.. I heard ferber can be done from 4 months onwards. She likes to rub and scratch her face sometimes. A little too much that I’m worried she’ll end up doing more of that when I sleep train her. Gloves I’m not a fan as she likes to put her hands in her mouth as well. And she likes to sleep without swaddling. Do I just cold turkey stop feeding and let her cry it out? She always seems to be hungry during her feeds so I’m worried she might be starving or am I thinking too much 😅 I will be doing the check ins at 2, 3 and 5 mins intervals. Pls let me know if it’s okay to start training coz I don’t want to be forcing my baby girl when she’s not ready although I could use some sleep. #firstbaby #firsttimemom #sleepdeprived
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