My baby is 11mo and has always had a good appetite; she would eat anything and try everything. But recently for the past 1 week she has been refusing to eat so literally anything. Now she would only eat 1-2 spoonfuls of food or a few bites of bread, etc or food that she normally enjoys eating. She'd use her tongue to thrust the food out and we're worried she's not getting enough nutrients although she's still drinking milk as per normal. At the same time, she just had her first tooth eruption. Wondering if that happens to babies when they get their first tooth? Or is she just going through a phase? #pleasehelp #firsttimemom #advicepls #firstbaby #FTM #babynoteating
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Baby hard time sleeping recently
Hi parents my baby having hard time sleeping, My baby is 1 month 26 days and this few days she only sleep less then an hour then wake up and stay awake for hours and this have been happening for the past few days, she currently exclusive breastfeeding and she not latching long enough like usual(usually 20minure now like 5min every 2-3hr) she wanted to sleep but she hvaing hard time. nor day or night she cant sleep, and shes not hydrating enough Im confuse, me and my husband couldn't get enough sleep because of the baby we tried everything we could , changing her clothes, environment, bed , diapers and all, any advice that could help me resolve this matter ? Thank u #advicepls #pleasehelp #firstmom #babysleep #babynoteating
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