Hi. I have irregular menses, so i would ususlly use apps to track my period. Most of the time, my period will come around the date or delay a few days. However, this month i have experienced light bleeding 12 days before my expected period (as per apps, it should come on 20th Apr). The light bleeding doesn't require a pad, panty liner will do and it lasted for approx 3 days. When I pee, there isn't blood. But when I use tissue to wipe, is light light coloured blood and sometimes dark + light cramp. I'm just wondering if this counted as implantation bleeding? What should i do? #Myfirstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls
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Hi. I have irregular menses, so i would ususlly use apps to track my period. Most of the time, my period will come around the date or delay a few days. However, this month i have experienced light bleeding 12 days before my expected period (as per apps, it should come on 20th Apr). The light bleeding doesn't require a pad, panty liner will do and it lasted for approx 3 days. When I pee, there isn't blood. But when I use tissue to wipe, is light light coloured blood and sometimes dark + light cramp. I'm just wondering if this counted as implantation bleeding? What should i do? #Myfirstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls
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Hi mummies and daddies, my daughter is reaching 24 months. Recently, I noticed a huge change in her temperament. She threw tantrums, screams and cried very badly especially when we tried to change her diaper (she doesn't want to lie down on the diaper table anymore) or when we tried to change her clothes. I mean we have been changing diapers and clothes for her for almost two years, shouldn't she be used to it already? Why the sudden strong reaction from her? #advicepls #pleasehelp #Myfirstbaby
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