Toddler Development:Your 27-month-old
It's time to enjoy your toddler's 27-month-old developmental milestones. He is walking, talking and coming into his own more confidently now.
Physical Development
By the 27th month, most kids are able to grab objects like small toys and books. They also try to grasp them properly with their fingers. But it’s a process that your child will love immensely. Apart from developing dexterity, you can also expect a number of interesting developments this month.
- At this point, he will be able to do things on his own — like pulling off his shoes.
- He will also be able to hold his own glass — this will make life easier for him as well as for you. His will equals his dexterity with small objects.
- The same is true with big movements. By this month, your little trooper may be well-versed with the heel-to-toe motion.
- He might even try to jump or stand on just one leg.
Rest assured, your 27 month old toddler will enjoy trying new physical activities with your help. So come rainy days, you can both enjoy a bit of puddle-hopping together.
- All toys small and colourful continue to fascinate him. So to keep him occupied, you can give him shells, or small, vibrant objects to play with. But make sure that they are bigger than three centimetres to avoid any choking hazard.
- You can help your toddler develop his motor skills (running, walking, cycling) by assisting him each time he attempts it.
- At this age, your toddler needs a minimum of three hours of physical activities, so make sure to get that much in everyday.
- You must also make sure to supervise him, especially when he is outside. Most new things attract toddlers, even animals.
Some of you might wonder if your child is right-handed or left-handed because of the different ways he holds objects. Don’t try to push your preference, and let him develop this on his own.
It may take a few more months for him to finally realise what he may be most comfortable with — using his right hand or left.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
Some kids are slow learners, some are fast. It’s best to not push your kid to do something you saw another one do. When it comes to physical play and sports, it’s best to allow them to learn on their own.
However, it’s a red flag situation if your kid is never interested in playing, and is always cranky and clingy – especially if he doesn’t want to socialise. These could be signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or muscular dystrophies.
If you feel that your kid is not able to achieve these 27 month old developmental milestones, we suggest you consult with a doctor. It may be due to a slow growth spurt or a developmental disorder.

By this month, your toddler’s gripping reflexes are getting stronger, and this is an activity she will surely enjoy. | Image courtesy: stock image
Cognitive Development
Two of the most common 27 month old developmental milestones are attention span and complex play. Both of these come into play by this age, and you will be able to see just how.
- You’ll notice that your toddler is able to solve a few simple puzzles and problems through a trial-and-error method.
- He might be at an activity till he is satisfied that it is done to the best of his ability.
- His gripping reflexes are getting stronger and this is an activity he will surely enjoy.
- Interestingly, he may also name inanimate objects and toys as though they are living beings. So don’t be alarmed, and let his imagination get to work.
This is a tender age where all your kid wants to do is perhaps play with toys and with you. He will also start to understand basic puzzles and games and its a good time to introduce books.
- Give him crayons and books to create his masterpieces. This is a great time to observe your growing little bub and celebrate his small achievements.
- You can also introduce visual books to your preschooler as it will help him identify objects and animals.
- Give him the time and space he needs to play with and enjoy his toys.
- He needs your patience and continued support and encouragement, even if he makes mistakes.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
In rare cases, 27 month olds are unable to identify objects and colours or do any kind of puzzle. This could again be a sign of autism or delayed neurological development. If your child can’t distinguish between colours, and you notice that he has drooping eyelids, or is cross-eyed, its time for a vision checkup.
You should also pay attention if you notice that your child’s eyes do not move in-sync or give out a milky discharge or you often spot him squinting. These are red flags for vision that may hinder his cognitive development.
Social and Emotional Development
By this age, your energetic toddler will exhibit strong emotions, anger and irritation being at the top of that list. Although he may try to control these emotions, chances are that he may become slightly aggressive and may even throw things around.
You’ll also notice the following in his 27th month.
- He might resort to yelling, throwing tantrums, shoving and pushing those around him.
- This is also an age where kids experiment with their tantrums. They throw a fit just to see if they’ll get what they want and if you give in it’ll simply solidify this belief. And that would mean more tantrums.
- By this age you will also notice that he has become far more clingy and wants your complete attention at all times.
- He may also shy away from sharing his toys or would only want one person to engage in play with him.
- The good news is that this is a good age for them to learn about socialising and they might even make new friends in the process.
- When you notice your toddler to throw a fit, try to distract him with games or colourful toys. Or, you can point at something outside the window — basically anything that distracts him at that moment. You’ll notice that he will immediately calm down. And that indicates that he wasn’t really angry but perhaps wanted attention or a distraction.
- Don’t give in to tantrums after just the one “No.”
- Instead, remain calm and patient with your toddler. It can be particularly tricky if he throws a fit in public, but just hang in there because this too shall pass.
- Remember that while there are many 27-month-old developmental milestones to celebrate, there are also a few that will truly irritate you, tantrums being one of them. Consider this as your testing time. Try to remain calm and patient with your child.
Always remember that the tantrums and the anger are all normal and part of the growing up process. You and your kid are not the only ones going through this “phase.” Most mothers and young toddlers go through it.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
Since tantrums and anger and hissy fits are part of this stage, expect a whole lot in this month. But if the anger is always leaning towards violence and screaming, or if your toddler is extremely clingy and hits you or throws tantrums when you are not around, it’s time to consult with a specialist to understand what’s going on.
These are signs of separation anxiety and even physical disability or even autism. For instance, his inability to pick up an object or play with a puzzle could irritate him and that could be due to a disability. If you notice it, its time to head out for a consultation.
Speech and Language Development
At 27 months, your not-so-tiny tot has a pretty decent vocabulary. Plus, he can identify names, especially his own. This is also an exciting time for parents as you can finally start conversing properly with your little one.
- Your tiny tot now has approximately a 400-word vocabulary.
- He can verbalise a minimum of 200 words right now.
- At this point, he does know his name as well his surname.
- Your growing toddler is also able to identify singular and plural words by this stage.
- One of the 27 month old developmental milestones is that your child can use possessive pronouns such as “I,” “Me,” or “Mine”.
- A 27 month old can also name the objects he or she most commonly sees or uses.
Since your child has developed an expressive and a receptive language by now, all of these vocabulary developments will help him share his thoughts more articulately. Not in adult terms, but for a toddler his age, that is good enough.
You’ll notice him using words and gestures themselves better both through words and gestures.
- It is a good time to start singing nursery rhymes to him. You’ll be surprised by how quickly he learns and is able to imitate syllables, even if he is not properly pronouncing many of them.
- This is also the time to be mindful of your own words. Kids are like parrots at this age, and they will repeat every word you say. So it’s a good time to work beyond “thank you” and “please” and teach them etiquette.
- Incorporate the importance of kindness and respect into your lessons.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
In a few cases, toddlers this age are unable to develop a vocabulary of 400 words. This could either be due to slow development or a neurological disorder.
If your kid doesn’t know his name or doesn’t respond to it or is unable to speak any words at all, it is a cause for worry. You must visit a speech specialist to identify the exact cause.

Is your tot a fussy eater? | Image source: Shutterstock
Health and Nutrition
Another one of the 27-month-old developmental milestones is that by this age, his pudgy belly and baby fat will soon vanish. His head will become more proportionate and smaller than his torso. Which means your little bub is now turning into a young boy. This is the time to invest your effort into his health and nutrition.
- Your little one can now weigh anywhere between 11 kilos and 14 kilos.
- His height can be anywhere between 33.7 inches or 2.8 feet and 35.6 inches and 2.9 feet.
For your child’s nutritional needs, give him at least 1/2 cup of cooked rice, 1/3 cup of vegetables or meat, and 1/3 cup of fruit per meal. He’s now moving away from a diet full of milk, so help him along on his journey towards solid food. Engage all of his senses by introducing different textures and vibrant colours in his food. Make mealtimes enjoyable, and remember, he doesn’t always have to finish his food.
In terms of his vaccinations, apart from Hepatitis A vaccines you should also check with your doctor for live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV).
- It’s a good idea to keep things interesting by cutting his food in different shapes and sizes and well as making his platter a lot more colourful.
- Puree the items that he won’t necessarily eat but are important for his growth. If he still refuses, or if he eats a bit less, don’t force it on him.
- Also, don’t worry about your toddler making a mess as he eats or scribbles away. This is the time of trial and error for your kid. Let him enjoy and learn at his own pace.
- Since at this stage he loves to observe you, it’ll also help to develop a healthy lifestyle.
When to Talk to Your Doctor:
It is common for kids this age to turn into fussy eaters. They either only eat one type of food or reject everything all at once. These are testing times for parents.
It’s important to understand why your child may be behaving this way. Is he suffering from a stomach disorder or is he unable to chew because of a dental issue? Is he cranky because he simply doesn’t like to eat things he doesn’t see you eating? Consult with your doctor if you notice particularly cranky behaviour and complete disregard for food or rejection.
Either way, it’s best to remain calm and help your toddler understand the world around him. Try to lead by example and encourage him to become more sociable and adapt a healthy lifestyle.
Most of all, enjoy this time with your little one. Because this too shall pass, quickly.