Dengue fever
Just wondering if any of your little ones got dengue before? If yes, are they serious? Thank you! I'm worried as my 1 year old went to a outdoor playgroup sensory play trial class today. And got bitten twice by a big striped mozzie! I'm very worried now that if its dengue carrying.

Hi, my girl had dengue when she was 18 months old. Persistent fever for several days and was admitted to hospital for 5 days. I sent her to A&E after 2 days of fever because she rejected food, water and milk for 1 whole day. In the hospital, they monitored her platelet count daily and only discharged her when her platelet count showed improvement. The PD assured me that for this age group (toddlers), they usually tolerate dengue quite well, better than older children and adults. But nevertheless, it was a really exhausting week for both my girl and myself. Do try to take precautions such as pasting a mosquito patch on your child’s clothes and/or spray mosquito repellent.
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