Why do people keep asking if we will have number 2. Number 1 is 18 months now

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People will tend to have this mindset I guess? The shorter the age gap between siblings, the better and easier it will be for the mummy when both of them grows up together. One shot tired then sua liao. However, they tend to miss the part on how C.R.A.Z.I.E.R it can get. Hahaha Cheers Mummy!

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It's the norm,a cycle. Jus like when u r dating, pple ask when r u getting married. Aft married, when r u gona have child. Aft 1st child, will ask when is 2nd one coming. Aft 2nd,will ask if u might wana have 3rd. Aft 3rd,pple will ask "how u manage 3 kids?!".. Cycle is endless! ?

Its human nature to be busybodies without considering other peoples feelings sometimes. People always assume what they think is best even if it may not be the case for us. Dont let it pressure or stress you out. Have another child whenever you and your partner feel is the right time

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It's a very common question! If your #2 is the same gender as the first child, they will ask if you are gg to try for the opposite gender! It's a never ending cycle

Thành viên VIP

Casual question i suppose. Don't take it seriously or to heart. Just creating conversation. Most people won't press the issue if u respond casually too.

Thành viên VIP

Hmmm it’s depends to weather answer for them or not , I just change the topic if any one asks so .. I don’t like to share it

When I am pregnant with number 1. People was already asking when will I have number 2. ?

Thành viên VIP

It’s normal question. They are asking out of concern for ur firstborn’s companion.

Hahahaha coz that's the time the 18 month can go CC n supposedly has "grown up"