Which is better for LO who is turning one and has been fully on breastmilk? Formula milk, goat milk or fresh milk?

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I was ever in that dilemma & posted on FB. These is what I gathered & tried: Initially resisted FM hence tried fresh milk & even determined to get the freshest by buying from local farm. Tried the taste, no diff from the commercial fresh milk from supermkt, no cow cow smell. lol. Expiry is really short, have to consume within 1wk if not wrong. Cost is $5.50 so only slightly more expensive, however have to min order $20 for free delivery. So I gave up this option aft 2wks. Didn't went on to try goat milk as I felt would meet the same problem as I had w fresh milk. also worried of the goaty smell in the milk. So I end up trying formula milk after visiting a PD as my girl percentile was dropping. She was a picky eater, PD suggested trying mixing BM w formula. formula milk after all is not that evil it helps picky eater to replenish the missing nutrients that she didn't get from solid food. I end up choosing Dumex for their prebiotics protecting guts as I heard many mummies complaining abt formula being v heaty causing hard stool. however do rmb to start of mixing breastmilk in higher proportion to whatever you decided to give & slowly reducing the mix ratio till your LO is comfortable

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