When is the good time to bottle feed breast milk? Will LO reject breast feeding after that?

I started bottle feeding ard 3.5 mths as lo is attending ifc. However, this doesn't stops him from latching. He must latch whenever he is home. Tried bottle feeding him when he's home but he rejects all the way. Maybe it's the smell of mummy. Don't bottle feed unless necessary. Jia you
Read moreTheoretically within the first month. Whether LO will reject breast feeding depends on individual. My girl only wants breast feeding when with me but ok with bottle feeding when in infant care.
it can start anywhere as early as 3-4 weeks. don't think that baby will reject ba https://www.breastfeedingbasics.com/qa/combine-bottle-and-breast-feeding this give s u a lil more in depth
I introduced it when my boy's 6 weeks old, sufficient time to build up BM supply. Ensure that the teat of the bottle is wide (NUK, Hegen) to minimize nipple confusion.
Experts suggest waiting til your baby is at least a month old and when breastfeeding is well established before introducing a bottle.
I started formula 3rd months but every night I feed Brest milk too
Mine was 1 month