When do you start to train your child to use potty?

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Potty training can start anytime from 6 months. I placed my almost 9 months baby on the potty every morning before bathing.

I start train my girl on 1 years old but try to take it natural . Don't force him/her to do it.

my daughter still cannot walk by her self, can you give some tip too teach her too walk?

4y trước

What's her age ?

I think from 7 months so by the time the baby is 12months he/she will be use to it.

I start when baby cam sit on her own. It was 6 months for both my girls


Super Mom

My daughter started to use the potty at around 1.5 yo.

Influencer của TAP

when s/he can say i wanna go potty 🤣

I Started around 14 month