When can you introduce sugar and chocolate to your kids diet?

Most parents choose to keep their kids away from sugary, chocolatey foods for as long as they can because of the view that these items are traditionally "unhealthy". Amongst my group of mommy friends, the first kind of chocolatey food item that they tend to introduce to their kids would be chocolate milk and the most common age recommendation is when their children turn two. As for real chocolate, they like to wait till the child is 3-4 years of age and most importantly, in small quantities at a gradual pace. Studies have shown that if introduced correctly and in modest quantities, chocolate, especially dark chocolate, can be a part of a healthy lifestyle for your child. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/06/14/benefits-dark-chocolate-tested-on-kids.html
Read moreDear mummy Cathy, If possible, try to drag as long as you can by not introducing sugary stuff. Once started, will hard to stop the addiction for some kids. For my number 1, I try not to give her sweets before 4 years old. We kept telling her it will be bad for her teeth and encourage her to brush her teeth regularly. Also school play a part, our kids childcare totally do not allow goodies bag or sweet stuff in their diet and it really help us a lot when we are educating our kid. But when you have no 2 kid, it will be more challenging. They will see their gor gor or jie jie eating the sweet, they will request for it too. ..you can imagine the rest of the story
Read moreMy wife and I have already planned not give our baby any sweet foods. We're just few more weeks away from feeding our baby with solid food. And we will never ever add any sugar to her mashed fruits or veggies. From what I've read, babies who have eaten too much sugar caused them to be more hyper or proactive and they become picky eater in the long run. So, like what other parents will advise you, as much as possible, don't feed your baby / kid with sweets.
Read moreUpto 1 year, sugar & chocolate r a big no... If sugar intake is more before 1year, chances of getting diabetes r more in future. So better avoid it. After 1year, moderate usage is ok. Dont encourage ur child to eat chocolates before sleep time. That effects teeth. Or train ur child to brush the teeth or clean the mouth after having sweets.
Read moreIt's best to actively keep your child away from too much sugar and chocolate. But on the other hand, not letting your child taste sugar/chocolate at all might mean he or she goes overboard with the sweet stuff, given the chance. Everything in moderation I say - but definitely keep chocolate and sugar away in your child's first year.
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when i started weaning for my daughter, my pediatrician suggested to give upto 1 gm of sugar per day to make the food a bit tasty. But i have kept my daughter away from chocolates and other sweet confectionaries.
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