nipple crack

Hi all..what to use for nipple hurts so much when lo latch...

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I have heard from mamas that using ur own breastmilk and applying it on ur nipple before breastfeeding helps. Maybe can give it a try. :)

Super Mom

Apply breastmilk on your nipples and allow to air dry. I will also apply Lansinoh’s nipple cream after.. Works for me! :)

Avent. Just a little bit is sufficient, just apply on the nipple only.

Influencer của TAP

Mustela, avent and other brands has nipple cream, apply frequently.

6y trước

Latch one side, the other side can hand express till it gets better before latching on the particular side again. Having said that there is Nipple protector that you may like to try. Personally I never used before. By the time my girl started to bite and it takes so long for both side to heal, I weaned her off...

Using Earth Mama nipple balm

You can try mustela cream

You can try mustela :)

I used mustela

Thành viên VIP

Mustela cream