What does it mean if my blood test result shows a low platelet count?

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Platelets are cells that cause the blood to clot. If you have low platelet levels, you may be at increased risk of haemorrhage and bruising. If it is mildly low, it should be okay to have a normal delivery most of the time. If it is severely low, there may be a few implications. 1. It may not be feasible for you to have an epidural during labour because the epidural process involves putting a needle into the spine, and bleeding in that space can lead to complications. 2. You could bleed severely during labour and delivery. 3. Certain conditions may involve the baby as well. The baby may end up with a low platelet count and certain interventions - even a normal delivery - can lead to bleeding in the brain of the baby. Some women may need a c-section and blood transfusion during the delivery process.

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