Low hemoglobin😔

At week 33 now and latest blood test results showed that my Hb is still not within the desirable range despite my efforts in loading up iron-rich food the past month (beef almost everyday, pork liver once a week, cherries and dried apricots every other day). Latest reading is 10.5g/dl (ref range 11.5-16.5) - not sure if I can be happy that it didn’t drop further from the last blood test😅 or be worried that my diet does not seem to be working?? Since young, I have bad reflex reactions when it comes to swallowing pills and hence I am really scared to be taking iron pills now
 I will always gag or even throw up. I did stagger any intake of caffeine, dairy products and calcium supplements to be 2hours away from iron supplements too. Any advice on what else can be done? đŸ„Č

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