do u tk it is safe for helper to send /fetch your toddler (18-24mo) to/from school by public transport plus some walking? txs!

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I understand when you can't pick up your kid, we get those busy days every now and then. I would ask, how confident is your helper? If you're unsure about your helper's confidence level, I recommend going with her to take your kid to school and bring him home for the first several times, maybe even a week or two! Just until your helper has memorized all the roads, streets, ins and outs, which bus/train to take, where to get a taxi, where to get off, etc. It's about empowering her with the confidence and know-how to take care of your child, the way you would. For additional security, make sure the helper to check in with you regularly - to text or call you when she's leaving the house, when she arrives the school, when they get on the train/bus, etc. At least this way you know her whereabout and your child's. You can also make sure that the school knows your helper has been approved by you as your child's guardian, that she's allowed to bring your child home after school. If it's a trust issue with your helper, then I recommend getting someone else. If you can't trust your helper, then I don't see a reason to insist on leaving your child to her care.

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