Hi there mummies, may I check if your 15mths take cashew nuts? (Baked,not salted) Is it safe? Thanks and a gd day ahead! ?
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If she is able to munch them down properly, then it shldnt be an issue. Probably just check her poop if there is any nuts remains, if there is, probably it isn't well digested for her
Ong Winnie
8y trước
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Cashew nuts may be a little too hard for them. But if they are able to chew well, then it shouldnt be an issue. Do look out for nut allergy to be safe
8y trước
Thanks babe, will take note. She munched down 2 halves.
I added cashew nuts to soup. No issue so far. My eldest was started on cashew nuts when she after she had her molars at around 15 months too.
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Boil it together with soup. It will soften.
if they can chew well then by all means go ahead with it :) baked and unsalted is a good option.
8y trước
Will observe further, thanks there😘
no worries Winnie :)
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