are there any affordable playgroup or schools for 18months old in SG?

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If you are looking at full day childcare centres, then those anchor operators like PCF Sparkletots, My First Skool etc are cheaper, with $700+ fees before $300 working mothers subsidy. additional subsidy available based on family income. if you are looking at 2 hours play group, there are Talent Plus and Apple Tree in most neighbourhoods, fees about $160 per month the last we sent our kids to

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If you're looking for childcare centres, there is a basic and additional subsidy that you can apply for based on your family's financial situation! It could be as low as $30+/month after all subsidy, payable by CDA :) As for fun playgroups (just few hours), you can look into whatever area your LO is interested in first!

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not sure ur "affordable" is in which price range. suggest that you go take a look at ECDA's list of schools under the POP scheme, where the school fees are capped at $800 before subsidy. some of the private childcare centres are now under the POP scheme.

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Talent Plus for 18m and above, playgroup level Apple Tree for 24m and above (depends on which month your Lo was born) mine was dec kid, already at apple tree when she was 24m ~ N1 level

There are playgroups and child care which are all affordable depending on your income ceiling. you would then be eligible for the following subsidies.

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Peekaroo has a new playgroup once a week for 12 months onwards - quite affordable. $30 per class and can stay full day at the indoor playground after.

7y trước

Can't find this place when I google .. anyway I can check them out ?

startots offer 2 hours playgroup session for 18mths - 36 mths, and is available in most RCs.

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18 months are usually childcare. Playgroups usually start from 30 months onward

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PCF kindergarten fees are reasonable