Pekatkan susu ibu
Susu badan saya cair semacam tidak pekat. Mummy semua ada tips tak utk pekatkan susu badan?

Hi, boleh follow one of certified lactation counselor. She has shared on tips pekat kan susu. I'll share with you her IG profile. Then you click at her story highlights. You may refer to the picture below. Hope it helps

ur daily intake. makan jgn skip, jgn catu..banyakkan makan protein, serat. air pun sama, jgn catu. bila ibu mkn x skip, blh nampak beza susu bdn. lepastu ank kena menyusu 30min keatas utk dia dptkn hindmilk (lemak susu)
masa 1 bulan 2 bulan susu sy tak pekat pun tapi berat anak tambah lebih 1.3kg tiap bulan
alhamdulillah.. utk apa la ye nak susu pekat
makan oats boleh tambah susu
Mama of 1 sweet boy