Qn about diaper which never leaks

My son, toddler at 2yrs old. He has no problem with rascal&friend or ninonana diapers. But of course he cant use drypers,huggies or mamypoko which leaks for him badly. Been using rascal eversince he was a newborn. But now at his age he been leaks in the night time so bad. I been staying up late at night or woke up to his leaks! Im trying out offspring too still the same leaks! Trying out right now peekapoo pants but got the feeling it will leaks. So worried! I waiting for PAMPERS overnight brand diaper to be received hope it helps. He basically a side sleeper which make him leaks. Anyone has advice on this? Momma need some help here! I try the down size, his correct size of his weight also with 1 size big. All the same still leaks! Just hoping on peekapoo or pampers brand. #diaper #diaperleaks #pleasehelp #advicepls - rascal&friends (leaks ) - ninonana (able to hold pee during the day time but leaks in the night time) - nature huggies (leaks! Cant last especially sleeping in the night time) - drypers (leaks and odor) - offspring (day ok but night leaks) - peekapoo (leaks at night) - Pampers overnight (waiting for it to arrived at my doorstep bc i couldn't find at my home area so had to order from shopee)

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Hi mommy. I’m using Charnins brand (soldier picture) from Shoppee and so farrrrr not much leaks unless I’m the one who forgot to change the baby. 😮‍💨. She (18 months ) leaked before because I used size L for night time which CANNOT hold that pee overnight. That was the first time she wet the bed. I changed to XL and it’s better from then on. She sleeps on her belly most of the time btw.

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1y trước

hi mom! thanks for the advice! will look into it at shopee later on! maybe if theres trial i can order first to test it. as my son is very very side sleeper even when i position him straight he will curl up like a prawn. tonight he wearing pampers brand overnight. hopefully it goes well.

Have you considered Merries? Majorit of the diaper brand can't hold pee at night. One of those is Huggies Naturemade. I switch to Merries. Also if your LO drinks milk before bedtime, ensure diaper change and also middle of the night. This is to avoid leaking. It may be a hassle but that would help for now. Since most of the brands you have tried are all leaking.

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1y trước

have not tried merries. but did a research on the review says it is not good. But really have not tried. Yes i did everything i could always before sleep i change. but usually i dont have to disturb him in the middle of the night and the diaper can last thru out the night. but recently i dont know wat happen it can only last for about 3 to 4hr becos of the way how he sleep. Sometimes it is not even full. plus always when i wear for him diaper, i would park it properly. Tonight im trying pampers. if its leak than no choice. i have to change in his sleep then.

Sometimes it’s a phase where boy pee more than usual for short time of period. I experienced the same before. It’s not the diaper fault. Maybe he takes a lot water before going to sleep, i make routine to change diaper before he goes to sleep. Make a routine he needs to pee before going to sleep so he won’t leak.

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I’ve been using merries all the way. I love it. I am not sure why your research said it’s bad, but it’s the one that works best for my daughter. But then again, she doesn’t have any leak problem like your son so I usually use merries or Huggies naturemade and they r fine on her whether day or night

1y trước

i wanted to but my toddler is size xl. mamypoko overnight starts sizing xxl onwards. do u think xxl shld be fine?

It could be of the sleeping position example laying facing down hence that may caused the diaper leaking. My #1 sleep that way hence leaking. Then I change brand. I stick to this brand for both of my kiddos.

1y trước

so far using pampers day time ok. night time later i try see how. if not then it just the sleeping position:(

My baby uses Merries (tape, not pants). It’s very absorbent. I would recommend that you try it for your child (:


1y trước

does it works?