My son is 18 months. But yet to speak. All he can is " murm murm" asking for food and "mah mah" . Need to see speech therapist ?

Hey dear, dont fret. 18months is still really young. Give your lo more time, keep talking to him that will encourage him to communicate as well. Most importantly each child will grow at their own pace. For now, enjoy the less talkative moments, when they come, they will. Trust me :)
Different children different milestones. My no1 didn't speak until after 2 years old. He understood everything we said and just points or does actions to show us what he wants. Now he is 6. I can't stop him from talking! lol
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It's alright. My gal only speaks at 3 yo, after she attented sch. before that not even mama. Let your son explore on his own, speak to him like how you would speak to any adult, he'll watch and learn from you.
My girl only said Mama at 2.5yo and started talking 3 words sentences at 3.5yo. It's speech delay. But at 4.5yo, doc did not refer to therapist as he said she started talking late. As long as improve.