Sometimes, my youngest (2yrs old) cries without a single hint of what she wants. Ofcourse, we try to soothe her by offering her food, juice, cuddles, tv time, toys and what have you. She easily gets bored and is quite possesive. She often quarels with her ate (4yrs old) as well because she has this habbit of snatching things from here without permission. How do you decifer your 2 year old's reason for throwing a tantrum? She talks and isn't "bulol" or baby talking but when she cries, she doesn't want to say anything for us to understand her.

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Your toddler is in her "terrible two" phase, which explains her attitude towards everyone around her. According to a Dallas-based clinical psychologist, Ray Levy, toddlers with age like your daughter gets too overwhelmed with the process of growing up. They feel they wanted to do so much but they have limited capacities. Growing up is an overwhelming thing to do, even us adults get overwhelmed. Don't we? Would you believe your kid is at the most active time of her life? Just in case your kid throws a tantrum, check out this Facebook post I've come across before so you'll understand her tantrums. :) photo credits to kids' world

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That phase will just pass. Almost all toddlers at that age go through some terrible acts. You just have to be more patient.