Boys and dolls
Should boys be encouraged to play with dolls or barbies?

I don't see anything wrong with boys playing with barbies or dolls. My son is 6+ months and is interested in my daughter's toys already. Quite frankly sexual orientation is something that is beyond our control. Sure, you can control and tell them what's right naturally and what's not, but they will grow up eventually and have their own ideas. For me personally, I will allow my son to play with dolls with his sister. His sister loves playing pretend so that might open up his imagination a little. But his sister is also very firm about what little boys should do. So he gets "boys/daddy role" and not the "mummy role". She also incorporates toy trucks, police cars and dinosaurs during their play time so I'm not too worried although at this stage, all my son is interested in whacking everything in sight before slobbering them into his mouth
Read moreI super agree with Hui Qun Ng and Febby Annisa! Playing doll enhances his imagination. It also helps him to communicate to his playmates or parents, thus, also boosts his social skills. Same goes if little girls play with toy trucks and robots. I believe that you should never encourage your child to play only what the society promotes. While social norms tell us to do that certain things are not done that way, we don't always have to follow just because the society will think that such thing as boys playing with dolls is not usual or normal.
Read moreI feel it is okay for boy to play dolls. My son who is 2 years old now also likes to hold his sister's baby doll. Playing doll can initiate pretend play and enhance imagination, e.g. on how to take care of a baby and how to love a baby. Sometimes, we use doll to play doctor and patient pretend play too. However, I will refrain my boy from playing with barbies as it is too girly for a boy. But, I do notice boys and girls do have preferences on types of toys, i.e. boys are more interested in vehicles while girls are more interested in dolls.
Read moreeh depends on age and how you want your child to grow up. I'm a football nut, so my entire house right now is filled with mostly figurines of players that sorta thing. My wife not so much lol. I think it's up to your kid ah honestly. I personally won't give my boy a barbie cos how am i supposed to explain boobies without nipples lol. But up to you really, every household raises children differently. And I don't really think theres any pro or cons. It's still kinda just a toy?
Read moreI try to raise my son far from this kind of stereotypes. Boy can wear pink, can play doll, and for sure can help his mum in the kitchen someday. Playing doll helps baby to communicate, he can role play and its good for his future for sure. i think its better than having a son who just play video game and RC then when he become a dad someday he refuse to change diapers because it's a - woman thing- you know, because of the stereotypes.
Read morewhy? You're simply spoiling the thinking of your kid. he'll be confused if he's to play with guys or girls, look girly or man-ish. And if he keeps continuing the same, he'll suffer from his friends teasing him, and hence going under depression.
Children should be raised free of gender biases. Let them decided what they want to play with. If you force a monster truck on your boy and barbie on your daughter, he may never realise his true potential as a fashion designer and she may never realise the potential as an engineer. Letting them choose their toys will also make them more confident of their choices.
Read moreBabies are not aware of any gender stereotypes. I personally think there is nothing wrong with allowing babies to play with any toys they are interested in. It is only when we grow up that we get exposed to different gender stereotypical types of behaviour. What i thought would be more important is educating the child not to be affected by such stereotypes.
Read moreThese stereotypes have been created by adults only and which is now exploited and commercialised by many industries. You should gift them what they like it could be so called "boy toys" or "girl toys" or also the gender neutral toys like puzzles, lego, etc. If a girl likes to play with dolls then fine but don't gift her a barbie just because she's a girl.
Read moreNo one should be allowed to grow up burdened with stereotypes the ignorant world insists on imposing on us. Let boys play with dolls and girls with toy soldiers and cars. We have to break these molds that society forces us to fit into. We should stop being afraid of being different, and instead encourage our children to become who they want to be.
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