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Sharing My brave baby girl's photo ? , share your handsome and beautiful little ones too down below??

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Too cute 😍 hoping for a baby girl din po kami, 18weeks preggy here 😊

My 15 days old Akio ❤

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My eldest Girl coming 3yr old this may My youngest son 1year old ☺️

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My Rosh Mishael Martin 😍 4 months old 👼🏻

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1 yr old Levi❤

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my 6th months baby boy 😄😄😄

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my almost 9 months old baby boy, Firion Alucard 😊💕

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My baby boy, 2 mos old. Always naka smile kahit tulog 😁

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4y trước

Cute naman, naka smile ♥

My precious one Jovan Joshua, 2 months and 25 days

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Thành viên VIP

My brave warrior Annari Luna❤️

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