Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Dr. Junie Khoo Yu-Yen, Pakar Runding Klinikal Onkologi

Sesi Tanya Pakar kini kembali lagi dan kali ini kami bawakan kepada anda seorang pakar khas iaitu Dr. Junie Khoo Yu-Yen Pakar Runding Klinikal Onkologi, Beacon Hospital. Tanya segala persoalan anda berkaitan dengan Apa itu Kanser Payudara & Cara Mengesannya di ruangan komen bawah dan semua persoalan akan dijawab oleh pakar kami pada Khamis, 4 Februari 2021 jam 2.30 petang. *NOTA : Segala persoalan diluar topik akan dipadam atau tidak akan dijawab.

Sesi Tanya Pakar bersama Dr. Junie Khoo Yu-Yen, Pakar Runding Klinikal Onkologi
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Hi doc. One of my family members had cancer before. Should i be worried that i might contracted it? How about my children? Will they contract it too?

4y trước

- 1. breast cancer - self examination monthly, ultrasound breast and/or mammogram , 2. cervix cancer - HPV virus vaccination, Pap smear, 3. Colorectal cancers- check stool for occult blood and colonoscopy, 4. lung cancer- for high risk patients and smokers (>30 pack-years smoking, age 55-70) can do low dose CT scan of thorax to see if any lung cancers, etc. Healthy eating habits, high water intake and healthy lifestyle (avoid smoking/ do exercise and keep fit) helps.

Hi doc, berapa lama kita boleh menghidap kanser payudara tanpa kita sedar? Selalunya bila confirm breast cancer mesti dah masuk Stage 3 or 4.

4y trước

Many patients do present late and up to 70% of cancer patients in Malaysia present in stage 3 and 4, which are considered locally advanced or advanced, meaning chances of cure is much lower. That is whey screening is important

If I have had or am having breast cancer (or any other cancer), can I still get pregnant? What do I do if I am already pregnant?

4y trước

Certain treatments in cancer, like chemotherapy may affect fertility/ability to get pregnant. Some cancers like ovary or uterus cancer will require surgery to remove the uterus/ovary and hence will not be able to get pregnant anymore. Cancers like cervix cancer and rectum cancer may need radiotherapy, and hence will cause menopause/infertility. Every individual is different, and each case is unique. Discuss with your doctor, there are ways to keep you fertile, and treatment options can be discussed. It is more important to know what you have, what options that you have , and to keep you alive

Apakah jenis rawatan yang perlu saya terima sekiranya saya disahkan mempunyai kanser? Adakah ini akan memberi kesan pada diri?

4y trước

That would depend on your type of cancer and stage. Each type of treatment would have its own risk and side effects. Talk to your doctor.

Sekiranya saya tetiba rasa macam ada lump di bawah ketiak, adakah ini bermakna saya mungkin akan mendapat kanser?

4y trước

It is better to get it checked. Do a ultrasound breast or mammogram and consult a breast surgeon. They will advise accordingly

due to difficulty in breastfeeding .. breast engorged ... is it true this increases breast cancer chances ?

4y trước

Breast engorgements during breastfeeding are not associated with higher risk of breast cancers. However, chronic infections of the breasts (Mastitis) can be a form of breast cancer called inflammatory breast cancer. See a breasts surgeon, and they could examine and advise.

What can we do to decrease the chances of breast cancer? And what are some of the signs we need to be aware of?

4y trước

Breast self examination and Screening helps detect early breast cancers. Smoking, obesity and PROLONGED hormonal contraceptions (oral contraceptives, hormonal injections etc) are linked to breast cancers.

maaf lari tajuk boleh bagi tips macam mana nak jarakkan umur baby? means tips utk family planning?

Hi Dr., at what stage of cancer will usually show the major symptoms? If we were to not realize earlier.

4y trước

Screening helps detect earlier forms of cancer. For breast cancer, being familiar with how your breast looks/feel when you do breast self examination monthly allows you to detect any changes and getting it checked out. More commonly breast cancer symptoms would include a PAINLESS breast lump, that could grow in size, can cause skin changes like redness or looking like orange-skin, lumps at the armpit area, discharge from nipple, abnormal protruding lump on the breast, pulling in of nipple or skin in the breast are also reported. When it is late stage, i.e when cancer has spread elsewhere, patient can have things like loss of appetite, tired all the time, losing weight without wanting to, bone pain (spread to bone), yellowing of eyes or right side of upper abdomen pain (spread to liver) or difficulty breathing/feel breathless (spread to lungs)

Hye dr... Saya pregnant 14w.... Bla mlm selalu sakit dekat bhgian ari2... Sbab apa ya dr??