Food to eat at night
Any recommendations for food to be eaten in the late evenings due to hinder/sudden cravings? Anything we can buy and keep so it can be eaten immediately or cooked fairly easily?

oats or overnight oats with milk/yoghurt, muesli/granola, fruits of your choice (cut em up and store in freezer for a cool snack!)
Saya mkn buah mcm golden pear ke, apple ke, orange ke, atau nestum 😙 kdg2 mkn cookies tp tkleh selalu sbb cookies manis 🤣
oats with fruits and nuts to keep full longer
apple,biskut,nestum,oat, yogurt,susu,roti
Thank you
Nuts and low fat yogurt.
Any particular brand of yogurt worth mentioning?
Nuts, yoghurt, oats
fruit snacking
i prefer bread..
Do you eat them with anything else? Peanut butter maybe?
oat and milk
should be ok..cook it warm together w oat or just use powder milk n add warm water..i makan almost every night, doesnt add up unneccessary sugar n perut pun kenyang..
Got a bun in the oven